Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore & Alicia Keys Cover Glamour!

Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore & Alicia Keys Band Together for Breast Cancer Awareness

That’s a whole lot of gorgeous!

Jennifer Aniston, Alicia Keys and Demi Moore share the October cover of Glamour magazine and take the opportunity to talk about their charitable new project.

So, what are these ladies up to?

Each lady directed a short film for a series entitled Five for Lifetime. The series includes a number of unique stories about women whose lives have been impacted by breast cancer in one way or another. And considering October is breast cancer awareness month, this couldn’t have come at a better time!

The trio opened up about the project, babies, husbands and much more!

On wanting to bring the Five project to life…
Jennifer: “We were intrigued by the challenge of creating short stories that would defy audiences’ expectation of the subject. We wanted to balance the drama with humor and irreverence because that’s what’s helped our friends who’ve faced this get through their treatment. We wanted stories that were informative without being heavy-handed. Oh, and they needed to be brilliantly written. Other than that, our goals were small. [Laughs.]

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